Dear Alumni, Friends, and Supporters,

What a year to be a Bangor Cardinal. What a year to be a Bangor Cardinal Alumni and Supporter. Bangor High School achieved something that no other school has ever achieved in winning the State Boys Basketball Championship, State Girls Basketball Championship and State Football Championship all in the same year. This will forever be known as the Bangor Slam. The Class of 2018 will always be remembered as the class that accepted the ultimate challenges and achieved the ultimate pinnacle. Our selection committee found it impossible to narrow the scholarship recipients to six from this class. We unanimously decided in recognition of this class’s extraordinary achievement that WE WOULD AWARD TEN $2,400 SCHOLARSHIPS. This is a financial challenge to this organization, but we feel that this group of Seniors earned the right to challenge us to achieve great things. This year’s outstanding group of recipients are: Elizabeth Nicolai, Cade Amborn, Alea Fortier, Emma Wittmershaus, Colin Buchholz, Haylee Leonard, Drew Johnson, Sarah Hannan and Jaclynn Freit. This year we were fortunate to receive funds given in memory of Eugene Schaller and the Eugene Schaller Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Brynn Langrehr.  In addition, Dave and Jana Langrehr have also funded a scholarship to a student going into a construction-related field. This year’s recipient of the Dave and Jana Langrehr Construction Scholarship is Ethan Jacobson.

On behalf of the Foundation, we want to thank you for your past support and ask that you provide continued and if possible even increased support to help us meet this worthy challenge. We do not ask this lightly and this will not be a permanent adjustment. But we believe this year’s class is truly worthy of us accepting this challenge. We thank you for your commitment, and once again WHAT A GREAT YEAR TO BE A CARDINAL.

We also want to invite you to participate in the annual Myrna Davis Golf Outing. As many of you know, this event is not only successful but is a great deal of fun. We look forward to seeing you again this year. The 19th Annual Myrna Davis Golf Outing will be on Saturday, June 30th. We remind you to register early online at our website or with the attached form. The cost this year is $60 per golfer with a shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. Greens Fees and tournament fees are included in the cost. We will again have our social gathering after the conclusion of the tournament. We hope to see you there.

The social will again be held immediately following the conclusion of the tournament, when awards will be presented and prizes raffled off.  We appreciate your contributions and look forward to seeing everyone at the tournament and social. Hope to see you there.

Bangor Scholarship Foundation
Kathy Schmidt – President  

2018 BSF Annual Newsletter